The AIKIDOSHIAI Association was created to disseminate, beyond its own members, the concept and foundations of the Aikido philosophy of its founder Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969). It was created in 2009 by its technical director, president and founder Daniel Díaz, 5th dan.
Díaz sensei sigue las enseñanzas de Haruo Matsuoka Shihan, a quien considera guardián de la ensencia misma del aikido... Daniel ha
desarrollado una práctica profunda y muy personal que no deja
indiferente a quien la comparte.
Diaz sensei is currently following the teachings of Haruo Matsuoka sensei, whom he considers to be the guardian of the same aikido teaching ... Daniel has developed a deep and very personal practice that does not leave those who share it indifferent.
Daniel Díaz sensei reside al sur de Granada (España), en la ciudad costera de Motril, donde instruye a sus alumnos en el Shiai Dojo, a la vez que se desplaza a la ciudad de Granada para impartir clases en el Aikido Shiai Institut de Armilla.
Daniel Díaz sensei resides south of Granada (Spain), in the coastal city of Motril, where he instructs his students in the Shiai Dojo, while traveling to the city of Granada to teach at Aikido Shiai Institut of Armilla city.
Para contactar directamente con Daniel Díaz sensei puede hacerlo a través de las siguietes vías:
To contact directly with Daniel Diaz sensei can do it through the following ways:
To contact directly with Daniel Diaz sensei can do it through the following ways:
- Email: aikidoddiaz@gmail.com